
Turkey’s hypocrisy on full display in Germany

The Berlin meeting between Turkey’s President Erdogan and Germany’s Chancellor Scholz was a show highlighting Turkey’s hypocrisy on full display in Germany. Turkey’s President Erdogan repeatedly belittled and provoked his host, Germany’s Chancellor Scholz, with arrogance and hypocrisy on Germany’s stance on the Israeli-Hamas conflict.

While meeting Chancellor Scholz and during a press conference Erdogan repeated his attack on Germany’s stance on the Israeli-Hamas conflict for killing civilians stating that Hamas is not a terrorist organization but a liberator, despite the crimes and killing of Israeli civilians by Hamas showing Turkey’s hypocrisy on full display in Germany.

Turkish President Erdogan stated to Germany’s Chancellor Scholz in Berlin:

“We have no debts to Israel. Those who have debts cannot speak freely. Insinuating that Turkey does not have the moral and ethical obligations that come with the Holocaust and acts of genocide.
We didn’t go through the Holocaust. Erdogan said that Israel has nuclear weapons, but does not admit it.”

Turkey is an unusual country in NATO. Whether you consider Turkey’s action in the Ukraine-Russia war, or criminal actions in Seria, Armenia, and Iraq, and notably its occupation and genocidal action against the Assyrian, Kurds, and Greek population.

▪️He belittled Germany alluding that its support for Israel stems from its guilt syndrome as a result of its actions in the Holocaust!

▪️Scholz, unfortunately, did not respond to Erdogan APPROPRIATELY.

We should remind Turkish President Erdogan and Germany’s Chancellor Scholz there are historical facts to counter Turkey’s hypocrisy on full display in Germany

▪️Turkey and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk have on their record the 1st genocide of the century specifically the Christian Genocide, the Armenian Genocide which was the inspiration for Hitler’s Holocaust of the Jews.

“Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” said Hitler On August 22, 1939, in preparation for the impending invasion of Poland. The Armenian Genocide was one of the most compelling human rights crises of World War I, helping to inspire Adolf Hitler three decades later to carry out the atrocities of World War II. Hitler’s quote is still relevant today because the forces of denial and revisionism are still striving to expunge from history the record of this enormous crime against humanity – the first modern genocide of the 20th century.
It is only through learning and remembering past atrocities that we are able to work toward their prevention and become a more humane society.

▪️In modern times Erdogan is responsible for war crimes by killing/attacking civilians, hospitals, and infrastructure of Kurds in Syria and Iraq . Killing Kurds is his favorite “sport” when he needs votes from his ultranationalist Islamo- fascists.

▪️He continues to commit a political genocide of 30 million Kurds inside Turkey by throwing their elected officials and anybody demanding political rights in jail as “terrorists”

▪️NO other country has more political dissidents and journalists in jail.

▪️He is responsible for hosting and supporting Jihadist terrorist organizations such as ISIS, Hamas, and others.

▪️He is the co-conspirator with Azerbaijan in the ethnic cleansing of Armenians from Karabakh and continuous bullying of Armenia.

▪️He continues to occupy and colonize with Turkish settlers an EU territory in Cyprus.

▪️Turkey has a long criminal record and disrespect for international law and institutions and has NEVER been held to account!

▪️In short, Erdogan is the last person in the region who can preach to Israel or others about crimes and respect for international law !!!

Turkey is a terrorist country living in its own reality! Turkey owes everything to the Jews, Christians, Armenians, Greeks, Cyprians, Assyrians, and Arabs. The German–Turkish Treaty of Friendship of 18 June 1941 and the secret military agreement of August 2, 1914, secured the extermination of the above groups.

Three questions President Erdogan has to ask himself and then maybe he can stop Turkey’s malice and hypocrisy on full display in Germany:

Has Turkey killed thousands of Kurds, Armenians, Syrians, Greeks, and Cypriots? It has!

Has Turkey destroyed hospitals? It has!

Has Turkey bomed and destroyed places of worship? It has and continues to do so!

Apart from his questions, Erdogan insulted the Chancellor saying that Germany’s support of

Israel in Gaza is due to Holocaust guilt. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said that it’s okay for Turkey to support Hamas.

Mr Jens Stoltenberg, do you approve of the support Turkey provides to HAMAS? Does it mean that NATO supports Terrorist organizations among the NATO countries, that the USA has designated as a terrorist group? Israel Intercepts Rocket-Making Material En Route to Gaza From Turkey, Israeli customs authorities revealed on September 14 that their agents intercepted 16 tons of explosive material on its way from Turkey to the Gaza Strip in July. According to the Israeli Tax Authority spokesperson, the customs agents in Ashdod inspected two containers that were supposed to contain 54 tons of gypsum — the key ingredient in plaster. After testing the material in a lab, authorities concluded that some of the bags contained ammonium chloride — a dual-use chemical used in making rockets.

Meanwhile in Greece an Ally of Israel, The New Democratic government is insisting, despite the stance of the Turkish leadership, to hold the Greece – Turkey meeting in Athens. In new provocations, Protothema writes about a new Turkish: Manifesto of claims by the Chief of the Navy
Admiral Ertsumed Tatlioglou raising again the issue of demilitarization of Greek islands, disputes the maritime zones even south of Crete, and claims that never in history has there been Greek sovereignty in the Aegean.

Appeasing Turkey is a completely wrong and dangerous path.