Greece 2020: Starving child faints after unemployed parents pay taxes

5 February, 2020

A starving student recently collapsed on the way home and fell to the ground in front of the eyes of stunning passersby.

The incident took place in Pyrgos, Western Peloponnese. According to  local media, both parents are unemployed and had hardly any money left after they paid their taxes to the state. The teenager girl was forced to starve.

“We could not provide her with anything else than bread and a tomato,” the desperate father said in a letter to local patrisnews.

He wrote that they had to pay the property tax ENFIA for the half-constructed home they own. “Therefore we had no money for food and remained hungry,” the father of two children wrote.

“it is unacceptable that a family with both parents unemployed to pay property tax for a house that has not been even fully constructed,” the father wrote.
“We can’t continue like this, we have been humiliated in front of our children as we not provide them even with the basics” he wrote putting the parents’ drama in a few words.

He calls on the state to establish a solidarity committee to check the taxes impoverished families have to pay. “We don’t want charity, we want justice,” he underlined.
Speaking to media the father said that he had some old debts that financially destroyed the family and the unemployment worsened the situation.

The family has one more child and receives some help from the local church.

Source: keeptalkinggreece


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